Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Eeyore in the 'home'

Maybe it's a curse.  Maybe mom is just our own Kansas version of Eeyore.  While my mom has had her moments of being difficult, I don't see that as her pattern right now.  Yet, things keep happening.

Last night's aide refused to help mom change her brief at bedtime.  When mom asked for help, the aide pointed at the wet brief and said, "Take that off.  Then put this on."  And walked out.  This is an aide that has a good reputation.  (The aide will be assisted to understand what should have happened.)

The night before, the aides couldn't find mom's medicines in the cart.  Inexplicable, since the day aides could find them.  The night aides couldn't. (She eventually fell asleep without the sleeping pill.)

Her sheets haven't been changed for over two and a half weeks because they do that on Shower Day, but she wasn't scheduled for a shower there since hospice comes in twice weekly. (She has now been scheduled for both a shower and sheets.) 

Mom was worried that she had offended someone (which is not completely out of the question, given her history, but is not the issue here).  And even if she had been crochety, she deserves good care.

And of course, this follows a nightmarish 5 weeks of dealing with issues at the nursing home where we had just moved her.  I kept complaining, daily, constantly, over real issues. I felt like a real kvetch.... because I was one, though fully merited.

Problems here are nowhere near as consistent nor as major nor as frustrating as in the nursing home, but things do keep happening to her! We are handling them with the facility without the least bit of rancor on either side ... and our few concerns are being well-received and handled correctly.

We had a nice, truly friendly chat with the director today.  She just shook her head, apologized, said the aide absolutely should have helped, that Mom didn't do anything wrong ... and remarked with surprise that it just seems that it keeps happening just to Mom.  A mystery.

Eeyore Roberta, with her personal rain cloud that follows her.  I'll bring an umbrella.

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