About this blog

I started this blog as an entirely private means to record my experience, but by the start of 2010 I have been aware of a potential larger audience of caregivers, adult children of aging parents.  Please forgive the older posts that may be drivel or whiney or unedited.

I started this blog as the 56-year-old daughter of an 86-year-old woman in failing health. I moved her to my area in 2007 to  an assisted living facility, to ensure adequate care.  I have my sister as a support, though she lives 3+ hours away, and my brother lives halfway across the country.  My mother and I were not really close before she arrived, and so this is my journey amid a lot of ambivalence.  I've been surprised at both the negatives and stress - as well as surprised at the positives.  

Why does the blog title say my mother is slowly disappearing?  I am struck with the way one person's footprint slowly erodes, down to a tiny apartment or even half a hospital room.  And poof, she will soon be gone.  Disappearing in front of our eyes. 

Welcome to my journey.  I hope you do leave a comment or two.  Thanks.
