Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dying of boredom?

My mother received a visit from her hospice workers.  They were running some tests, and while they were prepping her, she chatted about hospice.  She told them that another man at her home is also using hospice services, and has been doing so for some time.  She said that the two of them often joke about which one will 'go' first - they call out to one another as they pass in the hallways, "Are you still around?".  The workers laughed nervously.. she has a rather dark sense of humor.

But I really think a big part of their attitude is just boredom.

I wonder if they are just 'done' doing things.  Or having goals.  Bringing meaning to life, to themselves, to others.  Maybe they ran out of 'life' before they actually died.

There are many many activities at her assisted living center.  For my mother, I visit daily. I urge her to go talk to others to cheer them up and help them feel connected.  She does talk a walk once daily down the halls to watch some gentlemen play pool - which is great. But she chooses to sit and watch TV for the rest of her waking hours.

Yesterday during our visit we picked up her crossword book - formerly a passion - and did parts of a couple puzzles together.  She enjoyed it ... but just for a bit, then she just set it aside, bored.

Marking time until she dies.

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