Saturday, June 25, 2011

Settling for good enough

In our childhood, we dream of marrying a prince (or, in my case, a Beatle: Paul McCartney was MINE!), or being a cowboy or cowgirl or being a sailor on a pirate ship.  Or .... what was your dream?

In our young adulthood, our dreams have moderated, they have settled into something more realistic but more concrete.  And we imagine, if we are an archaeologist, that we'll find the next King Tut's tomb; if we are a scientist, we hope to cure cancer. If we are in business, we will found - or be part of - the next mega-corporation.

When you're 90 years old and facing possible amputation due to a toe that does not heal, news of tiny incremental improvements bring great pleasure.

Yes, Mom's toe is ssssllllloooooooooooowwwlllyyyy getting better.  Yes, it's pink, but at least it's not red.  Yes, it's swollen but not uber-puffy as before. The pain is still there but the nail is almost now gliding over the top of the skin - 'just a week or two more, Roberta'.

During this time we've addressed some matters that should help with blood sugars.  She is going to have yogurt as a midnight snack (80 calories) instead of the Ensure shakes (240 calories).  (Diabetics as she is need a midnight snack to avoid overnight low-blood-sugar problems).  She will have no orange juice at breakfast, or if they give it to her anyway, she will just have a few sips.

Sometimes we just need to settle.  She isn't enjoying a 10th decade in robust health, but she is getting by, she will probably have both feet to help her with her beloved walks, and she has family and a home where she is well-cared-for.  For now, for her, that's good enough.

Now if only her daughter (me) would visit for 4 hours a day.  THEN life would be PERFECT.  Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad your Mom is doing better. It may be a small victory, but it's a victory just the same!