Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Steaks and corn on the cob and a great breeze

Yesterday, my husband was off work for Memorial Day and we decided to grill some steaks.  I debated inviting my mother - I knew she'd enjoy it but the logistics (transport, toileting) are a nightmare.  It would turn a potentially lovely relaxing evening to ... something else entirely.

I invited her.  Oh lordie I'm a good girl!  (oh, what's that noise you ask?  the sound of me patting myself on the back... grin...)  Also invited our kids and grandkids at the last minute - a family day. 

So I make the run to her assisted living facility, pack her up with her essentials (water, sunglasses and a clean Depends; I convince her not to bring a banana since we are not going to a third world country but just to my house).  We get back to the house and I muster up my courage and wheel her through the grass, down the hill, through the gate, around more hillside, until we finally get to the back of the house and onto the brick patio.  Though this sounds perilous (OK, OK, I admit she almost dumped out a time or two), it's better than the three steps up into the house and the six steps down to the walkout apartment which leads to the patio.)

But, she had a GREAT time.  She just sat there, enjoying the breeze, asking about the bushes and vines.  Listening to birds.  Eating steaks with luscious corn on the cob and salad.  It was a perfect day - warm in the sun, pleasant in the shade.

The kids came over, and she (kinda) listened as the girls talked about school and this and that.  My daughter in law asked about her life - what was the highlight of her life.  She answered, much to my surprise, "My kids".  That may be some elder-editorializing since I'm not sure that would have been her answer earlier in her life, but it's nice to think that, upon reflection, that is what mattered most.  Really nice.

When I brought her home, as we opened her apartment door, she gasped happily, "Oh, I'm HOME!".  She enjoyed her day but that apartment is her safe zone, her refuge.  She had a wonderful time going to our house - and coming home.  A good day, and some nice memories for us all.

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